21st Sunday After Pentecost
Today’s Readings: Gal. 2:16-20 Luke 16:19-31
Following our usual Wed. 6:30pm Vespers, Part 2 of our “Back to the Basics” Series picks up (7:20-8:20pm) with two important themes: Iconography and Prayer. We’ll look at the various types of icons– different subjects, what they mean, and how they are portrayed. We will also look at a number of traditional Orthodox prayers and how they are used to frame our life in Christ. We invite parishioners, catechumens, inquirers, and youth to join us for this very practical look at these topics of icons and prayer.
The Feast of St. Demetrius the Myrrhgusher will be commemorated with an Akathist on Friday, the 26th at 11am and Memorial Litya on Saturday the 27th at 6:15pm.