Retreat 2019: “Our Lenten Journey”
On the weekend of March 15 through March 17 (2019,) the Orthodox Christian community of greater Lexington was blessed to welcome Archpriest John Erickson, retired dean and church history professor (emeritus) of St. Vladimir’s Theological Seminary in New York, for a special day retreat entitled “Our Lenten Journey.” Fr. John has worked faithfully in church circles for over half a century and continues–in his retirement–to serve as pastor of a small Serbian Orthodox parish (in Bisby, Arizona) as well as to teach, preach, and share from his treasury of lived Orthodox history. (You can read Fr. John’s curriculum vitae here.)
We are pleased to have recorded Fr. John’s two primary talks on Saturday, as well as the “Q & A” session that followed:
Session 1: “Where & Why are we Going? A Historical-Scriptural Introduction to Great Lent”
Session 2: “How will we get there? An Exploration of Baptism & Where We Are Now”
Session 3: “Questions & Answers with participants / Conclusion”
Below are some photos of several events at St. Athanasius, as well as the Pan-Orthodox Vespers service held at St. Andrew Antiochian Orthodox Church, at which Fr. John was the homilist.