Fall is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year in Kentucky. We rejoice that our parish life is approaching normal, once again. The traumatic challenges of the Covid lockdown, from earlier in the year, seem more and more a part of our past and less a part of our present and future! To both encourage and challenge us as life inexorably returns to normal, our priest offers this video:
Already, we are grateful that:
- The church is fully open for worship (and has been for months)
- Fellowship Hour is back (outside in good weather, but inside in inclement weather)
- Parish life events are once again populating our calendar
- Youth, young adults, and college students have already begun activities
- We hosted 25 visitors for Visitors’ Sunday last month
As of early October, we are looking forward to:
- Our 2nd “Hike & Vespers on the Mount” at the Berea Pinncles, Oct. 3, 2-6pm.
- A weekly coninutation of our new in-person (and recorded) series “A Practical Handbook of Faith” every Wednesday at 720pm (following our 630pm Vespers)
- A tri-weekly “Super Saturday” Children’s Education program (based on the Vacation Church School model.) Mark your calendars for Saturday, Oct. 17, 430-630pm. Full info is here.
- A first-time Kentucky Orthodox Campout on the weekend of Oct. 23-25 located at Falls Creek Campground near Cumberland Falls. Reach out to Fr. Justin for more information.
How is our Parish Handling Covid?
- wash hands upon entering the church
- wear masks while worshipping and moving through the corridors
- try to maintain 6 ft. of social distance between families
- try to fellowship outdoors (going indoors in inclement weather)
- should you feel ill or have a temperature, stay home and pray via our YouTube livestream
We invite you to come visit our church and pray at any of our services or to schedule a time to meet with our priest, Fr. Justin (859-361-2823.) Of course, you are still welcome to connect virtually, through the livestreaming options.
Here are some photos from parish life in autumn, thus far!