Bulletin for December 20, 2020
28th Sunday After Pentecost—Sunday Before Nativity
Feast Day for Repose of St. John of Kronstadt &
Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer, Bishop of Antioch
In anticipation of the Feast of The Nativity, we will have daily services this coming week, including two Baptisms! Many of the services can be viewed live on YouTube at athanasius oca if you are not able or comfortable attending in person. See service schedule on back of bulletin for dates and times.
Nativity Service Times are different from past years. On Nativity Eve, there will be a Vesperal Liturgy at 10am (following Baptism). The Vigil for Nativity will be at 11pm followed by a Midnight Liturgy for the Birth of our Lord. On the 26th there will be a Festal Liturgy at 10am to celebrate the 2nd Day of Christmas (Father is offering this service w/special mind of those trying to limit contact)