In a manner like unto our Lord’s Resurrection, in 2021 we have seen our parish life fully renewed! Our parish family is grateful to God for a complete and healthy celebration of Great Lent, Holy Week, and the Lord’s Pascha! We welcomed hundreds of people to our church over the course of Holy Week and Pascha (including a record crowd for our Paschal Midnight Service.) At the bottom of the this page, you can see over 200 photos that span Holy Week and Pascha!
As we continue to celebrate the full 40-days of the Paschal Season, we invite you to share in our joy. (You can review our simple Covid guidelines here. While we hope you will join us in-person, we are also pleased to continue offering a livestream of all our primary services and adult education on Wednesday nights.)
Please visit our regularly-updated online schedule and note some especially interesting events and activities that we are planning over the next month or so:
- Bright Saturday (May 8)
- 4pm Paschal Hike in Berea at the Pinnacles
- 6pm Pan-Orthodox Vespers on the East Pinnacle
- 630pm Deacon’s Vespers at St. Athanasius (no Confessions)
- 4pm Paschal Hike in Berea at the Pinnacles
- St. Thomas Sunday (AntiPascha) (May 9)
- 10am Resurrectional Liturgy
- 1145am Coffee Hour Fellowship
- 1pm Informal Contra Dancing in Tent
- Super Saturday Children’s Education Program (May 15)
- 430-630pm Programs for elementary children
- Girls Group & Youth Events alternating on Sunday evening throughout May and June
- Wednesday Night Christian Ed. resuming on Wednesday, May 12 (topics TBA: please check online calendar)
- Special Events on Pentecost Weekened (June 19-20) including Pentecost Picnic at Highbridge Park on the Kentucky River
Here is our complete photo gallery for Holy Week and Pascha 2021: