The parish family of St. Athanasius Orthodox Church welcomes you to our church! We are so grateful that, from June 11th on, we are able to welcome everyone without any Covid restrictions whatsoever. Here is our archbishop’s common-sense letter blessing us to move forward normally with parish life, but with love and care for all. You can explore our full online church calendar here.
We have a rich series of Sundays and special events planned as we head into the summertime months:
Blessing of the Bells 2018 +Final Sunday in Paschaltide (“Leavetaking Observed”)+
- 10am June 6: Full Paschal Liturgy
- 1145am Procession and Blessing of Pascha Bell
- +The Great Feast of the Lord’s Ascension+
- 630pm June 9: Cathedral Vigil for Ascension
- 9am June 10: Festal Liturgy (breakfast out afterwards)
- Organizational Cookout for I-75 Corridor “Southeastern KY Mission Station”
- 12pm June 12 at the Lopes home in Richmond, KY( 111 Whittington Circle, 40475)
- +Sunday after Ascension (also of the Holy Fathers of Nicea)+
- 10am June 13: Liturgy with Procession & Moleben Marking Victory Over Pandemic
- Festal Potluck (our first in over a year!)
- 10am June 13: Liturgy with Procession & Moleben Marking Victory Over Pandemic
- +The Great Feast of Pentecost (Trinity Sunday)+
- 630pm June 19 Full Festal Vigil
- 830am June 20 Baptism
- 930am Pentecost Liturgy & Kneeling Vespers
- 12pm Pentecost Picnic at High Bridge Park in Wilmore
- Vacation Church School 2021 (open to children K3-6th grade)
- Parish Dance Night (1st Dance Night in 18 months!)
- 7pm till late June 25 (Fast-Free Friday!)
- Consecration of Bishop-elect Gerasim in Dallas, Texas
- June 27-July 1: 10 young adults traveling with Fr. Justin to represent our parish!
- Wednesday Adult Christian Education (720-820pm,) Girls Group, and Youth Group continue (but contact church office for more information on times and locations)
Here is a sampling of photos from our rich parish life in this past season of Paschaltide 2021: