Welcome to Fr. Juvenal! Archimandrite Juvenal Repass is a priest and monastic of the Diocese of Alaska, Orthodox Church in America. He was Fr. Justin’s confessor when he was a student at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. After teaching at St Herman’s Seminary in Kodiak, Alaska for six years, and with the blessing of Bishop David, Fr. Juvenal has discerned a call to bring the message of holy Orthodoxy to lands and peoples that have not yet heard that saving message. As a missionary candidate with OCMC, he is presently engaged in raising the necessary pledges of funds to support this endeavor. Please help those who may benefit from his future mission work, by your prayers, and, if God directs you, with your pledges. You can read more of Fr. Juvenal’s interesting biography at the OCMC website: http://www.ocmc.org/about/view_missionary.aspx?MissionaryId=43
Our Wednesday Evening Schedule will include Vespers at 6:30pm and a Christian Education segment at 7:20pm featuring a catechetical introduction to the Nativity Fast and Christmas Cycle in the Orthodox Church. Small Compline and Confession will follow at 8:20pm.
Parish Council Meeting at 7:30m on Thursday, December 3.
Festal Matins for St. Alexander Hotovitsky on Friday, December 4 at 8am. Confessions will be heard at 9am.
Schedule for Next Weekend, Feast of St. Nicholas:
Saturday, December 5: *Great Vespers at 6:30pm/*Visit with St. Nicholas at 7:20pm /*Confessions at 8pm
Sunday, December 6: *Reception of Converts/Baptisms at 9am (no Sunday School) /*Divine Liturgy at 10am /*St. Nicholas Akathist in Berea at 5pm