On June 29th, the Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul, the season of the Apostles’ Fast draws to a close. The month of July that
follows the Feast of the Apostles marks a relatively quiet time in most Orthodox parishes, including ours. We focus our efforts on the weekend Resurrectional Cycle that inlcudes Saturday Vigil or Vespers and the Sunday Liturgy. Throughout July, we continue to hold our weekly Wednesday Christian Ed. sessions (at 720pm following our weekly 630pm Wednesday Night Vespers.) See the July & August calendars at right (or our online schedule) for full information on the parish
schedule and a listing of our classes, services, and social activities. Below are photos from the month of June, which encompassed the Great Feasts of Ascension & Pentecost, mission work at St. Nina in Berea, fundraising for Assurance for Life, a festive parish picnic at Highbridge Park, our Pan-Orthodox Vacation Church School, a parish Summertime Dance, and much more. Please explore our website, learn about our parish family, and then plan a visit soon. Reach out to our pastor, Fr. Justin, if you have any questions or would like a pastoral visit!