9th Sunday after Pentecost
Forefeast Dormition of Theotokos
Celebrate the Great Feast of Dormition with Vigil Today at 6:30pm and Festal Liturgy Monday at 9am A potluck breakfast (no fasting) follows Liturgy in the parish hall
Translation of the Image “Not-Made-By-Hands” of our Lord Jesus Christ from Edessa to Constantinople, the Third “Feast of the Savior in August” will be commemorated with an Akathist for Repentance in Christ on Tuesday, August 16 at 11am. Fr. Justin will hear confession after the service.
The Wednesday night Vespers Service will be followed by our weekly Christian Ed Class. Dr. Ross Sauve will be presenting Part I (of II) “Fr. Hopko’s 55 Maxims.”
On Friday morning we will pray the Paraclesis to the Theotokos at 11am and Fr. Justin will remain after for confessions.