You will lead them in and settle them
on your own mountain,
the place you made your home,
O Lord, the holy place,
O Lord, that your own hands made.
— The Canticle of Moses (Exodus 15:18)
Help bring the Good News to Kentucky!
Dear Friends,
In 2006, we are in our final year of receiving the OCA Church Planting Grant, and words could never adequately express our appreciation to all who have made the mission work in Kentucky possible. We thank God for people who have invested money they do not have into people they may never know in order to reveal the Kingdom of God through the Orthodox Church in America in the first parish in the Bluegrass State.
Thanks to their generosity, we have had tremendous growth over the past three years — nearly 30% increase in attendance and giving each year. Over 90% of our new members are adults who either were not Orthodox or were not Christian before coming to the mission. Now we have the opportunity to purchase land and prepare to build a temple, to move from rental property to a permanent place set apart for God.
We did not go looking for this land. God brought it to us.
A Catechumen walked into my office after the Sunday of Orthodoxy in 2004 and said, “Father, I have land. It belongs to God. I would like you to see it. It has a cemetery on it. I don’t know if that would be a problem.” Little did I realize that God had prepared 18 acres on a beautiful hill for us. The owner offered to sell the land to us for his original purchase price and he also provided interest-free financing. In his words, “I cannot make money on land that belongs to God.” We want to honor his faith by quickly paying off the note and preparing to build the first Temple of the Orthodox Church in America in Kentucky.
How can I as a mission priest ever forget another man who stood in the back of the Church and asked, “Why did I have to wait nearly sixty years to hear about the Orthodox Church? Why didn’t someone tell me about this when I was younger?”
We need your help. The people of Kentucky need to hear the fullness of the Orthodox Faith! Will you join with us?
— Fr. David Rucker, Founding Priest
“God must have a big vision
for Kentucky.”
Our dream is to see this hill crowned by a beautiful Orthodox temple — to be a gathering place, and a place of healing. Buildings to support the education and fellowship needs of our community will be located nearby but positioned so that they do not distract from the temple — worship of God is central to our life together. We envision incorporating Kentucky architectural elements into our buildings, while remaining true to our tradition.
Other dreams:
- A bell tower to call us to prayer
- Cemetery with rock fence
- Fountains and gardens
- Paths to walk, with icons
- Studios for iconographers and artists
- An Orthodox parochial school
- Playgrounds for our children
“By God’s grace,
generations will come
to this place
and worship.
It is worth the labor
and sacrifices
Quick Facts
The property we are purchasing is a large grassy hill that sits beside Mount Lebanon, the highest point in Jessamine County. The hill is visible from the surrounding area.
- 17.48 acres overall
- 4 to 5 acres of flat area on top
- 5.5 miles from downtown Nicholasville
- 17 miles from Lexington
- 2 graves in existing cemetery
- 1798 the first commercial vineyard in the
United States was established nearby - 3 miles from planned eastern bypass
around Nicholasville
You can help!
We seek to raise $100,000 during the church years beginning September 1, 2006 and ending August 31, 2008 in order to pay off the land. We will then be able to plan and proceed with building projects.
We invite you to prayerfully consider joining our parish in this goal. Your prayers and offerings will be greatly appreciated.
Help make our vision a reality through your gift.
Saint Athanasius Orthodox Church
926 South Main Street
Nicholasville, KY 40356
(859) 881-8144
Response Form
Please print, complete, and mail this response form to Saint Athanasius Orthodox Church. All gifts are deeply appreciated. Thank you.
Yes! I/we wish to support the growth of Orthodox Christianity in the Bluegrass through a gift to the Saint Athanasius Orthodox Church Land Campaign.
Please print clearly:
Name(s) __________________________________
Address __________________________________
City/State/Zip ______________________________
Telephone _________________________________
Email ____________________________________
Make checks payable to Saint Athanasius Orthodox Church and designate “Building Campaign” in the Memo line. Mail it to 926 S. Main Street, Nicholasville, KY 40356.
Contributions are tax-deductible. Any funds received in excess of our campaign goal will be used for the building fund. Up to 10% of the funds received may be used for administrative costs.
Date ____________
Enclosed is $_____________
My pledge will be paid by August 31, 2008 as follows:
[ ] One time gift
[ ] Monthly
[ ] Other _____________
for a total pledge of $_______