Orthodoxy 101 has resumed at St. Athanasius! This fall, our parish will be going through basic catechism material on the beliefs and practices of the Orthodox Church.
The new semester began in late September, and will be running through December. Main topics include Worldview, Sin, Asceticism, Scripture and Tradition, Christology, Ecumenical Councils and Canons, Iconography and Liturgical and Sacramental Theology.
The course is written for both catechumens (those preparing to become members of the Church) as well as inquirers/seekers (anyone who wants to know more about us). St. Athanasius youth are also encouraged to attend.
Sessions for Orthodoxy 101 are being held Wednesday evenings 7:20-8:10pm, following Vespers (6:30pm) at the parish. Again, everyone is welcome to attend. Come and see!