Orthodox Christians around the world and locally kept the Holy Pascha (Christ’s Resurrection) on May 1. Thankfully, the Paschal celebration continues for 40 days, up through the eve of Ascension. In fact, the entire 40-day Paschaltide season takes on a Resurrectional character. Here is some of what is happening during this festive season:
- On Wednesday, May 11, Fr. Justin will begin a two-month-long series on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, using our late Archbishop Dmitri’s magisterial work as our guide.
- We wrap-up Sunday School (9-9:50am each Sunday of the school year) on Sunday, May 15.
- We will celebrate a number of special feast days in May and June that are unique to the season. Visit the online calendar for more information.
- Our annual pan-Orthodox Vacation Church School (“VCS”) will be hosted this year at St. Athanasius during Pentecost Week (June 20-24), so mark your calendars!
Please review our online church calendar for a full listing of services, classes, and parish events. Some photos of the midnight Paschal Service are included here. More complete galleries can be viewed in our parish pictures galleries.