Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago (originally St. Vladimir’s Church)
was built under the leadership of St. John Kochurov whose feast day is October 31.
Children of the Parish, accompanied by their parents, will visit residents at the Council Oaks Assisted Living Home today at 12:45.
Parish Council Meeting today at 1:30pm. Officers for 2015-16 will be elected.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 3. Our church will be used as a voting precinct from 6am to 6pm. The Moleben for this day has been cancelled and the office will be closed.
Vespers on Wednesday at 6:30pm followed by the Christian Education Class at 7:20pm. Father will continue talking about the Handbook of Orthodoxy.
Men’s Night at Carl’s on Thursday, November 5 starting at 7pm. All men of the parish are invited to come and enjoy food, drink, and fellowship.
Family Night Dance Saturday, November 7 from 6-10pm in the parish hall / Music provided by DJ Squidmon
Please bring a covered dish to share / Beer/Wine/Soft Drinks Provided
Admission: $10/Individual or $20/Family
All proceeds will benefit the St. Athanasius Building Fund!
Sacramental Marriage: Skills for a Lifetime of Love: November 13 (6 – 9pm) & 14 (10am – 5pm)
St. Athanasius Orthodox Church / Registration Opens This Friday at:www.tinyurl.com/Sacramental-Marriage