Relics of St. Demetrius
Demetrios Memorial Saturday is observed October 24 and the main feast of St. Demetrios is October 26.
Moleben for Local Needs w/Canon to St. Demetrius will be prayed on Tuesday, October 27 at 11am.
Vespers at 6:30pm on Wednesday the 28th followed by our weekly Christian Education Class at 7:20pm. This week Fr. Justin will continue with discussion on the rites of marriage and the prayers for the sick.
Matins on Friday, October 30 at 8am. Confessions at 9am.
Great Vespers for St. John Kochurov on Friday, October 30 at 5pm.
Parish Council Meeting has been rescheduled for Sunday, Nov. 1, 1:30-3:30pm.
Prison Ministry Conference, sponsored by the Prison Ministry Commission, Episcopal Diocese of Lexington, is planned for Saturday, November 21 at St. Raphael Episcopal Church in Lexington. Registration is $15 and is due by next Sunday, November 1. The conference schedule is posted on the bulletin board in the parish hall. For more information, contact Ellie Sutter (who has attended a conference in the past).
Council Oaks Visit Next Sunday, November 1 If parents want to take their children to visit the residents at this assisted living faciility and receive Halloween treats, they should plan on leaving church about 12:40pm. The facility is located at 111 Coconut Grove Drive (less than 5 minutes from church). Children may wear their church clothes or may bring a costume to change into. Some of our youth group members will be going and singing with the residents.