Congratulations to Lovell & Vera Foushee on the birth of their son on December 5. Many Years to the Foushee family!
St. Nicholas Gifts will be blessed today following Liturgy. Thanks to everyone who participated in this community event!
Youth Group will meet this Sunday evening. They will leave church promptly at 6pm to head over to Council Oaks Assisted Living to visit and sing Christmas carols.
Moleben for Local Needs (St. Herman) will be prayed on Tuesday the 15th at 11am. If you are unable to attend but have prayer requests, please email them to Fr. Justin.
Wednesday Vespers at 6:30pm. In place of our weekly catechesis, we will have a choir practice for nativity music; all are welcome! Nativity Compline at 8:20pm.
Matins will be served on Friday, December 18 at 8am; confessions heard at 9am.
Confession Reminder: Our bishops exhort our regular communicants to make a sincere examination of ourselves and to confess our sins sacramentally at least once a month. If you have not been to Confession yet during this Fasting season, it is vital to do so. Feel free to contact Fr. Justin to arrange an appointment if the “normal” times are inconvenient for you. Also, it is important that parents prepare their older children, perhaps 10 and older, to make Confession, too.