Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Today’s Readings: Acts 1:1-8 John 1:1-17
Welcome Guests & Visitors to this Great and Holy Feast of Pascha!
Following the Vesperal Liturgy beginning at 9am on Holy Saturday, we will share a blessed meal of bread/wine/juice. All are invited to share in this meal. On Holy Saturday evening from 7-11:30pm, we will keep vigil by the tomb while reading from the Acts of the Apostles. At 11:30pm Paschal Nocturnes begin, then follows the procession and Paschal Matins at midnight which lead into the Paschal Divine Liturgy. Following Liturgy Father Justin will bless the food baskets and we will “break the Lenten fast.” All are invited to share in this meal. Reminder: Holy Communion is open to all baptized Orthodox Christians who have observed the fasting requirements, had recent confession, and are at peace with neighbors.
Agape Vespers will be served at 2pm, followed by our Pascha picnic, at Highbridge Park in Wilmore. Everyone is invited to come and share this festive time! Please keep in mind that Highbridge Park is a state-run facility and no alcoholic beverages are allowed.