While the pace of church life changes in the summertime, it does not necessarily slow down. We absolutely welcome visitors in this season. Our complete calendar of events can be found here. Highlights of parish life through August include:
- weekly Wednesday evening services at 630pm followed by Adult Christian Education (topics varying by week according to the detailed calendar)
- weekly Saturday evening Great Vespers at 630pm usually followed by Confessions
- weekly Liturgy (no Sunday School this summer) at 10am Sunday, followed by Fellowship Hour and the Bread Ministry
- Wed., June 21, at 630pm: Intercession Service with Akathist to the “Inexhaustible Cup” for people struggling with addictions, followed by a 730pm Teaching Orthodoxy & Recovery (Part 2.) Check out Orthodoxy and Recovery, Part 1
- Sunday, June 25: Special “Apostles’ Fast” Collections for Seminary in Kenya and Jessamine County Food Pantry
- Feast of St. John the Baptist’s Nativity (5pm Vespers, Fri., June 23 & 9am Liturgy, Sat., June 24)
- Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul (630pm Vespers, Wed., June 28 & 9am Liturgy, Thurs., June 29)
- Camp St. Thekla (July 2-8 in South Carolina)
- Camp St. John (July 16-22 in Indiana)
- Diocese of the South Annual Assembly (Chattanooga, TN: July 24-27)
- Dormition Fast, Transfiguration Feast, & Dormition Celebration (August 1-15)