7th Sunday After Pentecost
Today’s Readings: Romans 15:1-7 Matthew 9:27-35
Welcome Fr. Thomas Langdon, pastor at Protection of the Holy Virgin Mary Mission, in Clarksville, TN. We are happy you are with us today to serve Divine Liturgy
Reader’s Vespers on Wednesday, July 26 at 6:30pm. Parishioner, Scott Fennema, will teach the weekly Christian Education Class that follows at 7:20pm. The topic will be the “Trinity” and he will present a brief overview on what the phrases “Three persons or hypostases” and “One nature or essence” mean primarily to the Eastern Fathers, but also contrasted with a divergent interpretation by the Western Medievals (and onward). He invites people to write down questions in advance and bring them to the talk. Scott is a professor of philosophy at the University of Kentucky, currently working on his doctorate degree.
St. Nicholas Orthodox Chapel situated on Atka Island, 1,200 air miles from Anchorage, it is the most isolated village on the Aleutian Chain and further west than any other community in the continental United States. It has been occupied for over 2,000 years. Russians came in 1747 and it was an important trade site. The original church was burned to the ground during World War II. Another was built in the 1950s, but the lumber was green and didn’t last in the harsh climate. The church was rebuilt in 1996. Atka Island is the birthplace of St. Jacob, Enlightner of the Aleuts (feast day 7/26).