The season of the Dormition Fast (August 1-14) which culminates in the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos on August 15, caps off a rich and full summer at St. Athanasius. Vacation Church School, youth summer camps, feast days, a special pastoral trip to Russia, the full roll-out of the parish Telos Project for Young Adults, and the OCA All-American Council are just some of the many things that have been happening in our parish. (See photos below.)
The Dormition Fast is a great time to refocus our spiritual energies and dig a little deeper. Here are some of the special services and events happening in early August:
- Wednesday, August 1:
- 11:00am Lesser Blessing of Waters
- 6:30pm Paraclesis Service to the Theotokos (also attached)
- 7:20pm Christian Education: Photos & Stories from Fr. Justin’s 2018 Russia Trip
- Friday, August 3: 9:00am Paraclesis to the Theotokos & Confessions
- Saturday, August 4:
- 2:30pm Parish Hike at Pinnacles in Berea (use website to pin google map)
- Vespers on East Pinnacle around 4pm (picnic following)
- 6:30pm Lay Vespers at St. Athanasius (No Confessions)
- 2:30pm Parish Hike at Pinnacles in Berea (use website to pin google map)
- Sunday, August 5:
- 10:00am Divine Liturgy & Fellowship Hour
- 6:30pm Vigil for Transfiguration & Confessions
- Monday, August 6: 8:00am Festal Liturgy for Transfiguration
- Wednesday, August 8:
- 6:30pm Great Vespers for St. Herman
- 7:20pm Christian Education: Reflections by Participants in 19th AAC
- Thursday, August 9: 9:00am Liturgy for St. Herman Day
- Friday, August 10: 9:00am Paraclesis to the Theotokos & Confessions
- Saturday, August 11: 6:30pm Paraclesis & Great Vespers & Confessions
- Sunday, August 12: 10:00am Liturgy, Blessing School Year, & Fellowship Hour
- Tuesday, August 14: 6:30pm Vigil for Dormition & Confessions
- Wednesday, August:
- 8:00am Festal Liturgy for Dormition
- 6:30pm Great Vespers (Image-Not-Made-By Hands)
- 7:20pm Christian Education: New Series Begins “Reflections on Mere Christianity”
- Mark Your Calendars for our September 8 Church New Year Festival & our Commencement of Sunday School on September 9!
Youth Gorge Hike 2018