Each year, from November 15 until December 24, the Orthodox Church observes the Nativity Fast. This fasting season has been established by our Church since ancient times for the purpose of preparing our hearts to welcome the Light of Christ at Christmas. Fasting seasons are not only times of repentance and reflection, however. They are also occasions for joy and common celebration. Within this particular Fast, and beyond our normal weekend services, are a number of important festal events we invite our faithful and visitors to celebrate with us:
- Great Feast of the Entry of Theotokos into the Temple (Vigil 6:30pm Nov. 20 & Liturgy 9am Nov. 21)
- Thanksgiving Services (Akathist “Glory to God for All Things 6:30pm Nov. 27 & Liturgy 8am Nov. 28)
- St. Andrew Feast Day (Liturgy at St. Andrew Orthodox Church 10am Nov. 30)
- St. Nicholas Feast Day (Vespers & St. Nicholas Program 6:30pm Dec. 5 & Chrismations 9am/Liturgy 930am Dec. 6)
- St. Herman Feast Day (Vespers 6:30pm Dec. 12 & Liturgy 10am Dec. 13)
- Dec. 13-15: Retreat Weekend with Fr. Silviu Bunta (Schedule TBA)
- Sunday Before Nativity (Vigil 6:30pm Dec. 21 & Liturgy 10am Dec. 22)
- Dec. 23 Services (Royal Hours 9am & Pre-Feast Vespers 630pm)
- Christmas Eve Services (Vesperal Liturgy 10am, & Vigil 6:30pm)
- Nativity Liturgy (Festal Liturgy 8am)
- 2nd Day of Christmas/Synaxis of Theotokos (Festal Liturgy 9am Dec. 26)
- New Year’s Eve (Vesperal Liturgy for St. Basil/Circumcision 530pm & New Year Dance 7pm-1am)
During the month of December, our local custom is to add the service of Small Compline once a week. Each Wednesday night, after our 6:30pm Vespers and our 7:20pm Christian Education class, we will serve Compline at 8:30pm. See our online calendar for more detailed information about these and other services in November, December, and January. An image of our “hard copy” calendar is just to the right of this text.
Please remember that, for Orthodox Christians wishing to partake in the Eucharist, it is vital to go to Confession at least once in this fasting season. Also, if you would like to give alms to those in need this time of year, you may write a check noted “alms” or use our our giving portal and note ‘alms.’