On Sunday, April 16, Orthodox Christians around the world celebrated the Feast of Feasts, the Day of Days–the Pascha (Easter) of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Our celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection was the climax not only of all of Holy Week, but of an entire Lenten season that began more than 40 days before, in February. Not only did we welcome 11 souls into the Church by Baptism and/or Chrismation, but we hosted our largest Pascha Night ever, with more than 250 people in attendance!
The great news is that the joy of Pascha continues specifically in this Paschal season (April 17-May 25.) More broadly, each Sunday is a little Pascha on which Orthodox Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. We invite you to join us for any of the many services and events we offer in these days and throughout the year. Our full online schedule with both service info and community events (regularly updated) is available here. You can also view our May and June “hard-copy” calendars on the right. Also, check out the many minstries are parish is honored to support here and see where you might plug in.
Here are some of the highlights of events coming up over the next two months:
- St. Athanasius Day (altar-feast of the parish) with Fr. Stephen Freeman
- May 1: 630pm Great Vespers & Chicken Dinner (RSVP here)
- May 2: 9am Festal Liturgy with Potluck Brunch
- Weekly Wednesday Night Vespers at 630pm followed by 720pm Bible Study on I John (throughout May–all are welcome!)
- Weekly Saturday Night Vigil at 630pm and Confessions at 730pm
- Weekly Sunday Liturgy, Children’s Short Sunday School, and Fellowship Hour starting at 930am
- The Great Feast of our Lord’s Ascension
- May 24: 630pm Vigil & 820pm Confessions
- May 25: 9am Ascension Liturgy & Brunch Following
- The Feast of St. Justin Martyr (Nameday of our Priest)
- May 31: 630pm Vespers
- June 1: 9am Liturgy followed by breakfast cooked by priest as host
- The Great Feast of Pentecost
- June 3: 630pm Full Vigil & 830pm Confessions
- June 4: 930am Pentecost Liturgy, Kneeling Vespers, & Pentecost Picnic @ Higbridge Park
- Vacation Church School Program (Pre-K to 6th grade) from June 5-9 (9am to noon each day)
- stay tuned for more information as the program details coalesce
- Apostles Fast (June 12-28) & Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul (June 29)
Photos from Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Baptisms on Holy Saturday, and Pascha are included below!