21st Sunday After Pentecost
Readings for Today: Galatians 2:16-20 (Epistle) Luke 8:26-39 (Gospel)
Liturgical Services in the Coming Week
- Akathist to St. John Kochurov on Tuesday at 11am / Confessions
- Vespers on Wednesday at 6:30pm
- Akathist to St. George the Greatmartyr on Friday at 11am / Confessions
Parish Life Activities this Week
- Mt.5:4 Fellowship on Monday at 7-8:30pm and the home of Mary Bradshaw
- Christian Ed Class on Wednesday (after Vespers) continuing with the new OCA Series
- Adult SS via zoom on Wednesday 8-9pm.
- Bonfire on Wednesday 8:20pm (weather permitting, bring Lenten snacks/drinks)
- Choir Practice on Thursday 7-9pm
Next Sunday, November 5 is OCA Steward Sunday and Daylight Savings Time Ends (fall back)