On most Sundays, our pastor, Fr. Justin Patterson, offers the sermon. We are also blessed to have a number of fine lay preachers, who will offer a sermon from time to time. In the Orthodox Church, the main content for the sermon is most often drawn from the appointed Gospel reading for the day. Additionally, the preacher may also draw from the appointed Epistle reading, as well as the saint of the day or the theme of the day (particularly important during the season of Great Lent and on certain Great Feasts of the Church.) Most recent sermons are posted at the top and older ones will be found further down the list. May these sermons edify you and help you in your journey!
Sermons from 2017
March 12, Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas: “The Essential St. Gregory–why he is so important to us Orthodox!”
Feb. 26. Forgiveness Sunday: “Catastrophe leading to Action”
Feb. 19, Sunday of the Last Judgment: “The River of Fire”