Blind Man Sunday — June 6, 2021 Paschal Leavetaking (observed)
Wednesday, June 9 is Leavetaking Pascha & Forefeast of Ascension (f/w/o day). Our Wednesday service schedule will be Paschal Hours at 6:20pm; Cathedral Vigil for Ascension at 6:30pm; Christian Ed Class at 7:30pm; Confessions at 8:30pm.
Liturgy for the Feast of Ascension will be on Thursday at 9am. Following the service anyone who wants to join Father for a festal breakfast is welcome (location tba).
Friday, June 11 is the Feast for Apostles Barnabas & Bartholomew. The Friday 11am service will be an Akathist to the Lord’s Ascension with confessions being heard after the service.