2nd Sunday of Great Lent / St. Gregory Palamas
Presanctified Liturgy will be served on Wednesday at 6pm followed by a Lenten Soup and Salad Meal. Check the online signup to see what food is needed.
Adult SS will meet via zoom at 8pm on Thursday. This class is recorded and can be viewed on our parish YouTube channel Athanasius OCA.
Friday Presanctified Liturgy begins at 11am.
On Tuesday, March 14, Father will serve Presanctified Liturgy in Berea for St. Nina Mission at 6:30pm. Following, they will have a light meal of soup, salad, bread, fruit. Oma is planning an activity for the children after the Liturgy. Fr. Justin will hear confessions before the service. All are invited to come and share in this Lenten service with the St. Nina Mission Community at 300 Harrison Road in Berea.